英会話 – Using an ATM

A brother and sister, outside a bank
Susan: How do I use the ATM?
Alan: First, you put your card in this slot and enter your PIN.
Susan: OK. Then I choose withdrawal?
Alan: Yes, choose withdrawal, not account information.
Susan: What’s next?
Alan: Choose your checking or your savings account.
Susan: And then?
Alan: Enter the amount you want to take out of your account.
Susan: How much can I take out?
Alan: Most accounts have a limit of $400 per day.
Susan: Oh! What happens after I enter the withdrawal amount?
Alan: The ATM gives you bills, usually $20 bills. Take the money and receipt from the slots, and don’t forget to take your card!
Susan: Thanks a lot!
Alan: No problem. Now you can buy me lunch!

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