蜻蛉の舞・Dance of the Dragonfly

風に舞う      Dancing in the wind,
舞妓と蜻蛉 Maiko and dragonfly,
織りなす夢 Weave dreams together.




As the evening descended upon the flower district of Kyoto, Maiko Chizuru danced beneath the swaying cherry blossoms, her graceful movements akin to the gentle breeze. At that moment, a small blue dragonfly descended near the stage, dancing in the air in harmony with Chizuru’s dance.

Chizuru noticed the dragonfly, smiling as she continued to dance. Intrigued by the dragonfly’s presence, she welcomed it onto her stage amidst her performance. Together, they danced, soaring above the flower district on the wings of the wind. A dreamlike moment unfolded, and soon nightfall arrived.

By the time the moon rose, Chizuru and the dragonfly stood on a secluded path in the flower district. The dragonfly expressed gratitude to Chizuru and departed, leaving behind the memory of their beautiful encounter. With a smile, Chizuru watched the dragonfly fade into the distance, holding onto the deeply etched memory as she returned to the heart of the flower district.

Zephyr the Dragonfly


Once upon a time, in a lush green meadow, there lived a beautiful dragonfly named Zephyr. Zephyr was no ordinary dragonfly. Her wings shimmered in the sunlight, with hues of emerald and sapphire. She was known to be the fastest and most graceful dragonfly in the meadow, darting effortlessly through the air.

Zephyr spent her days fluttering from flower to flower and enjoying the warm sun on her wings. She would often stop to rest on a lily pad, admiring her reflection in the clear pond below. She was content with her simple life in the meadow, but deep down, she yearned for adventure.

One day, as Zephyr was basking in the sun, she heard a faint cry for help. She followed the sound and found a small frog caught in a spider’s web. Without hesitation, Zephyr flew to the rescue. Using her strong wings, she carefully untangled the frog from the web and set him free. The grateful frog hopped away, thanking Zephyr for her bravery.

From that day on, Zephyr became known as the protector of the meadow. Whenever a creature was in trouble, she was there to lend a helping wing. She saved birds from being caught by cats, rescued fish from shallow waters, and even helped bees find their way back to their hive.

Zephyr’s heroism didn’t go unnoticed. One day, as she was flying over the meadow, she heard a voice calling her name. She followed the sound and found a wise old dragon perched on a rock.

“Zephyr, I have been watching you. Your kind heart and bravery have made you a hero in this meadow,” said the dragon.

Zephyr was surprised but grateful for the dragon’s kind words.

“As a token of my appreciation, I will grant you one wish,” said the dragon.

Zephyr thought for a moment before answering, “I wish to explore the world beyond this meadow.”

The dragon smiled, “Your wish is granted.”

Zephyr’s wings began to glow, and suddenly, she was lifted high into the air. She soared above the trees, over the mountains, and across the seas. She saw things she never imagined existed, from towering waterfalls to bustling cities. She met creatures of all shapes and sizes, and shared her stories of heroism and kindness.

As she traveled, Zephyr realized that her simple life in the meadow was just the beginning of her adventure. She returned to the meadow, grateful for the experiences and friendships she had gained along the way. From that day on, Zephyr continued to spread kindness and joy, inspiring others to be brave and explore the world beyond their own backyard.




現在の日本の時間システムは、日本標準時(JST)で、協定世界時より9時間進んでいます(UTC +9)。これは、夏時間が導入されていない場合、日本では他の多くの国々と比べて太陽が早く昇り、早く沈むことを意味します。


Onomatopoeia in conversations!

These are from our recent discussions at tonbo cafe!  Let’s take a closer look.


leisurely; slowly; gradually

Pretty soon we’d better wrap up this break and get back to work.


sputtering; smoldering

He is always grumbling about his small allowance.

The fallen column was still smoldering.


messy; confused; disorderly

All sorts of things are jumbled [mixed] up together.


state of being dried out

This bread is all dried out.


stiff; starchy

This sheet is stiff.


with a crack (e.g. branches, knuckles)

The screen of the smartphone shattered.


もし宇宙世紀に“文春砲”があったら? 文藝春秋、「証言 機動戦士ガンダム」発売

What if there were Bunshun guns in the Universal Century? Bungei Shunjū launches “Mobile Suit Gundam a testimony”

 文藝春秋は「機動戦士ガンダム」シリーズの世界を独自の目線で伝えるムック「証言 機動戦士ガンダム 文藝春秋が見た宇宙世紀100年」を3月8日に発売する。1980円(税込)。
 In the Bungei Shunjū series “Mobile Suit Gundam” world, a unique vision is conveyed through the mook “Mobile Suit Gundam a testimony, through the eyes of Bungei Shunjū in the 100th Universal Century” will be on sale beginning March 8th. 1980 yen (tax included)

Assuming the Gundam world of Bungei Shunjū were to be realized, an article spanning from when the One Year War which took place in 0079 of the Universal Century, until the Laplace disaster in 0105, was arranged.

The exclusive on how the federation proceeded with “V tactics” in absolute secrecy, new information on the cover-up of commander Gihren Zabi’s “death in battle”, the One Year War’s distinguished warship “Trojan Horse” and the anonymous accusations about a child soldier crew compliment…… Various exclusives reveal the truths of what occurred in the Universal Century.

“a portrait of His Highness Mineva Lao Zabi” leads the front page illustration. There will also be news about the upcoming film “Hathaway’s Flash” which will be released in May. Supervised by Sunrise.

ORIGINAL: https://news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/c77272904b4585e710d2bbae28e7c13326e4b353
[One of my translated articles (for practice)]


So appetizing, it would be a shame to eat! “Make you smile” bento (lunch box) design devised by elementary school students sells out during the morning

販売が始まった「食べるのもったいない!えみらる風弁当」 “So appetizing, it would be a shame to eat! Emiraru-style bento” is now on sale https://www.yomiuri.co.jp/economy/20210302-OYT1T50089/

Sixth graders at Tsujigaoka Elementary School in Nabari City, Mie Prefecture, started selling bento boxes (lunch boxes) themed “Despite Corona, the neighborhood smiles with spirit.” at the nearby Super Yaohiko Nabari store on the 1st. For a limited time of about one week, 10 to 15 meals a day are lined up at the store entrance.

The lunch box “So appetizing, it would be a shame to eat! Emiraru-style bento” was commercialized by a supermarket based on the ideas of sixth graders. The package is decorated with the local mascot “Emiraru” and is packed with broiled soybean paste, deep-fried tofu, and fried shrimp. The label was designed by children with a message of support also included. 429 yen (tax included).

This bento idea was implemented by the elementary school cooking class to give kids the opportunity to think independently about food and home economics for the Corona crisis. 110 sixth graders complemented the lunch box with illustrations etc. Three candidates were selected at a school assembly, and out of them, one plan was chosen and produced by the supermarket.

15 meals were sold on the first day. They sold out during the morning. “Nabari’s bento is full of food and color. It has a good balance of color and nutrition.” says the person in charge of the supermarket side dish department. All 110 bento ideas are also on display in the store.

ORIGINAL: https://www.yomiuri.co.jp/economy/20210302-OYT1T50089/
[One of my translated articles (for practice)]