蜻蛉の舞・Dance of the Dragonfly

風に舞う      Dancing in the wind,
舞妓と蜻蛉 Maiko and dragonfly,
織りなす夢 Weave dreams together.




As the evening descended upon the flower district of Kyoto, Maiko Chizuru danced beneath the swaying cherry blossoms, her graceful movements akin to the gentle breeze. At that moment, a small blue dragonfly descended near the stage, dancing in the air in harmony with Chizuru’s dance.

Chizuru noticed the dragonfly, smiling as she continued to dance. Intrigued by the dragonfly’s presence, she welcomed it onto her stage amidst her performance. Together, they danced, soaring above the flower district on the wings of the wind. A dreamlike moment unfolded, and soon nightfall arrived.

By the time the moon rose, Chizuru and the dragonfly stood on a secluded path in the flower district. The dragonfly expressed gratitude to Chizuru and departed, leaving behind the memory of their beautiful encounter. With a smile, Chizuru watched the dragonfly fade into the distance, holding onto the deeply etched memory as she returned to the heart of the flower district.

Business Conversation #2 – CEO Speech



Good morning, everyone. Our company has achieved success in the marketplace. We continue to grow through innovative ideas and excellent teamwork.

Our products are developed to meet the needs of our customers. We always prioritize quality and reliability, and the feedback from our customers is very positive.

We are also committed to social contributions. We care about the environment and the happiness of our employees. These values are the key to our success.

We are also working on the skills improvement of our employees. We provide the best workplace environment for our employees and support them to grow together with the company.

We promise to continue providing innovative products and services and contributing to more customers in the future.

Thank you very much.

Vocabulary List:

  • 最高経営責任者 (saikou keiei sekininsha): CEO
  • 成功 (seikou): success
  • 市場 (shijou): marketplace
  • 革新的な (kakushinteki na): innovative
  • チームワーク (chiimuwaaku): teamwork
  • 成長 (seichou): growth
  • 製品 (seihin): product
  • お客様 (okyakusama): customer
  • 品質 (hinshitsu): quality
  • 信頼性 (shinraisei): reliability
  • 好評な (kouhyou na): positive
  • 社会貢献 (shakaikouken): social contributions
  • 環境 (kankyou): environment
  • 従業員 (juugyouin): employee
  • 幸福 (koufuku): happiness
  • 価値観 (kachikan): value
  • スキルアップ (sukiruappu): skills improvement
  • 職場環境 (shokubakankyou): workplace environment
  • 支援する (shien suru): support
  • 鍵 (kagi): key
  • 感謝する (kansha suru): appreciate
  • 約束する (yakusoku suru): promise
  • 提供する (teikyou suru): provide

Medical Conversation #2 – Chronic Migraines

Chronic Migraines

Doctor: Hello, what seems to be the problem?

Patient: Hello, I have been suffering from chronic migraines. Is there anything you can do to help?

Doctor: I see. What are the symptoms of your headache?

Patient: The headache is severe, and I feel nauseous with a sensitivity to light.

Doctor: From the symptoms, it does appear that you are experiencing migraines. There are several treatment options available. First, I would recommend lifestyle changes such as improving your diet and reducing stress. Additionally, medication can be prescribed. Let’s start with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Patient: Thank you. What kinds of foods and exercises can improve my headache?

Doctor: Moderate exercise, regular meals, and adequate sleep may help reduce headache symptoms. It is also important to avoid certain foods and alcohol.

Patient: I understand. Thank you, I will try that.

Doctor: Also, if your headaches persist, you can consult with a specialist who can provide appropriate treatment according to your symptoms.

Patient: Thank you, if it gets worse, I will definitely come back to you for another consultation.

Doctor: Yes, please don’t hesitate to let me know. I hope you feel better soon.

Vocabulary list:

  • 医師 (ishi): doctor
  • 患者 (kanja): patient
  • 慢性的な (manseiteki na): chronic
  • 片頭痛 (katatzutsuu): migraine
  • 対処方法 (taisho houhou): treatment options
  • 症状 (shoujou): symptoms
  • 吐き気 (hakike): nausea
  • 目の光がまぶしい感じ (me no hikari ga mabushii kanji): sensitivity to light
  • 偏頭痛 (henzutsuu): migraine
  • 食事の改善 (shokuji no kaizen): improving your diet
  • ストレスの軽減 (sutoresu no keigen): reducing stress
  • 薬の処方 (kusuri no shohou): medication prescription
  • 非ステロイド性抗炎症薬 (hi suteroido sei kouenshouyaku): nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
  • 運動 (undou): exercise
  • 十分な睡眠 (juubun na suimin): adequate sleep
  • アルコール (arukooru): alcohol
  • 専門家 (senmonka): specialist
  • 悪化する (akka suru): to get worse
  • 再度 (saido): again, another time
  • 相談する (soudan suru): to consult

Political Conversation #1 – Political Strategy

Political Strategy

Hello, are we preparing for the election?

Chief of staff:
Yes, that’s correct. Who do you think is our biggest competitor?

Our biggest threat is the candidate who advocates for policies that differ from ours. We must clearly state our position on their policies.

Chief of staff:
Yes, that’s right. What is their weakness?

Their weakness is that they don’t have concrete plans. We can fill in their gaps. We can leverage our strengths in our election strategy.

Chief of staff:
Indeed, that’s a great idea. We can attack their policies.

No, we don’t intend to attack. It’s important to show how our policies can improve people’s lives.

Chief of staff:
Understood. We can leverage our strengths. Let’s discuss the election strategy in detail.

Let’s do that.

Vocabulary list:

  • 選挙 (senkyo) – election
  • 準備 (junbi) – preparation
  • 競争相手 (kyosou aite) – competitor
  • 政策 (seisaku) – policy
  • 立場 (tachiba) – position
  • 弱み (yowami) – weakness
  • 具体的な (gutaiteki na) – concrete
  • 計画 (keikaku) – plan
  • 空白 (kuuhaku) – gap
  • 強み (tsuyomi) – strength
  • 生かす (ikasu) – to make (the best) use of
  • 選挙戦略 (senkyo senryaku) – election strategy
  • 生活 (seikatsu) – life
  • 改善する (kaizen suru) – improve
  • 詳しく (kuwashiku) – in detail
  • 話し合う (hanashiau) – discuss
  • 攻撃する (kougeki suru) – attack
  • 表明する (hyoumei suru) – state, declare
  • 提唱する (teishou suru) – advocate

Legal Discussion #1 – Settling a Case

Settling a Case

Lawyer 1:
How do you intend to settle this case?
(Kono ken ni tsuite dono yō ni kaiketsu suru tsumori desu ka?)

Lawyer 2:
We would like to attempt to negotiate a settlement first.
(Watashitachi wa, mazu wa wakai kōshō o kokoromitaī to omotte imasu.)

Lawyer 1:
Understood. Are there any necessary documents or amounts for the settlement?
(Ryōkai desu. Wakai ni hitsuyōna shorui ya kingaku wa arimasu ka?)

Lawyer 2:
Yes, we have calculated the amount of settlement money based on the materials submitted by the opposing party.
(Hai, aite-gata kara teishutsu sareta shiryou o moto ni, wakai-kin no kingaku o sanshutsu shite imasu.)

Lawyer 1:
I see. Please send the proposed amount by tomorrow.
(Sō desu ka. Dewa, teian suru kingaku o ashita made ni okutte kudasai.)

Lawyer 2:
Understood. I will send it by tomorrow.
(Ryōkai shimashita. Ashita made ni sōshin itashimasu.)

Vocabulary list:

件 (ken) – case, matter
解決する (kaiketsu suru) – to settle, to resolve
和解交渉 (wakai kōshō) – settlement negotiations
試みる (kokoromiru) – to attempt, to try
必要な (hitsuyōna) – necessary, required
書類 (shorui) – documents, papers
金額 (kingaku) – amount, sum of money
算出する (sanshutsu suru) – to calculate, to estimate
提出する (teishutsu suru) – to submit, to present
相手方 (aite-gata) – opposing party, the other side
提案する (teian suru) – to propose, to suggest
送る (okuru) – to send, to transmit
送信する (sōshin suru) – to send, to transmit (formal)

Business Conversation #1 – Merger Talks

Merger Talks

Hello, let’s discuss the merger.

Yes, please. What progress has been made so far?

We expect to receive reports from the legal and finance departments by the end of this week. We will then conduct a reassessment.

I see. Let’s make the final decision on the merger after we receive those reports.

Understood. After that, we plan to have a meeting with our lawyer and proceed with drafting the contract.

Got it. Let’s keep sharing the progress and move forward with a smooth merger.

Vocabulary List:

合併 (がっぺい): merger
話し合い (はなしあい): discussion, negotiation
進捗 (しんちょく): progress
法務部門 (ほうむぶもん): legal department
財務部門 (ざいむぶもん): finance department
レポート: report
再評価 (さいひょうか): reassessment, reevaluation
意思決定 (いしけってい): decision-making
弁護士 (べんごし): lawyer
契約書 (けいやくしょ): contract
進める (すすめる): to proceed, to advance
共有 (きょうゆう): sharing
スムーズ: smooth