英会話 – At the cinema

Joy: So Bill, what movie do you want to see?
Bill: I’m not sure, what’s playing?
Joy: ‘Ever After’ is playing at 5:00. Should we see that?
Bill: What kind of movie is it?
Joy: It’s a romance.
Bill: Oh no, I hate romance films. What about ‘Die Hard 2’?
Joy: No way! It’s an action movie and I can’t stand those!
Bill: Hmm, ok. What else is playing?
Joy: How about ‘Office Space’. It’s on at 6:00
Bill: Is that a comedy?
Joy: Yeah, I heard it’s really funny!
Bill: Cool, let’s see that.
Joy: Ok, I could go for a laugh! Let’s go!
Bill goes to the ticket counter
Bill: Good evening. Could I please have two tickets to the 6:00 showing of ‘Office Space’?
Ticket Seller: Here you are. That’s $15.75
Bill: Thanks a lot!
Ticket Seller: Enjoy the movie.
Joy: Would you like some popcorn, Bill?
Bill: Sure!
Joy: Ok, I’ve got it . Why don’t you go find some seats?
Bill: Ok, see you inside.

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