英会話 – Olympic Games

Larry: Did you watch the Olympics last night?
Kristie: No, I missed it. What event was on last night?
Larry: Beach volleyball, tennis, and basketball.
Kristie: Ohhh, tennis? Who was playing?
Larry: Germany and Peru.
Kristie: Who won?
Larry: It was close, but Peru won.
Kristie: Oohhh…I was rooting for Germany.
Larry: Germany won beach volleyball.
Kristie: Oh, that’s great! Do you know when gymnastics comes on?
Larry: Yeah, on Thursday.
Kristie: I’ll be sure not to miss it.
Larry: Yeah, let’s watch it together.
Kristie: Great!

英会話 – What’s your sign?

Bobby: Hey Kelly, what’s your sign?
Kelly: I was born in August, so I am a Virgo.
Bobby: I can tell! You are very strong and independent, but also stubborn.
Kelly: Oh, I don’t believe in that, do you?
Bobby: Sure, I am a Taurus and I fit the description perfectly.
Kelly: Astrology is stupid.
Bobby: I think that there is some truth to it.
Kelly: Let’s ask our friend and see what they think!
Bobby: Ok!

英会話 – My Favorite Film

Frances: Hi Jim.
Jim: Hi Frances.
Frances: What did you do this weekend, Jim?
Jim: I saw a movie with my friends.
Frances: What movie did you see?
Jim: I saw “Finding Nemo”.
Frances: Did you like the film?
Jim: Yes, I liked it. What is your favorite film, Frances?
Frances: My favorite film is “The Lion King”. It takes place in Africa.
Jim: Isn’t Africa very hot?
Frances: Yes, Africa is very hot because it’s located near the equator.
Jim: Have you been to Africa?
Frances: No, but I would like to go to Africa.
Jim: Goodbye, Frances.
Frances: Goodbye, Jim.

英会話 – Film Discussion

James: Tom, have you seen the new film, “Basketball Life”?
Tom: Yes, I did see this film at the movie theater. Have you seen it, James?
James: No, I haven’t seen this film. Did you like it?
Tom: No, I did not think the film was very good. I would not recommend it to my friends.
James: Why not?
Tom: Well, it was not interesting and I did not like the story. I would recommend the movie, “Football Games” if you want to see good sports.
James: Thank you for the recommendation! I will watch “Football Games” with my friends this weekend.

Top 10 Everyday Onomatopoeias

An onomatopoeia is a word that imitates or suggests the sound it describes. It is a literary device used to create a vivid and sensory description of a sound, often used in poetry and prose to create an immersive experience for the reader.

Here are some often-used onomatopoeias.

  1. Bang – represents a loud noise or explosion, for example, a door slamming shut.
  2. Buzz – represents a low, continuous humming or buzzing sound, for example, the sound of bees buzzing around flowers.
  3. Hiss – represents a sharp, sibilant sound, often made by snakes or steam, for example, the sound of a kettle boiling.
  4. Crack – represents a sharp sound of something breaking or snapping, for example, the sound of ice breaking.
  5. Sizzle – represents the sound of something cooking or frying in hot oil, for example, the sound of bacon sizzling on a frying pan.
  6. Beep – represents a high-pitched, short sound, often made by electronic devices or cars, for example, the sound of a car horn.
  7. Whirr – represents a sound made by something spinning rapidly, for example, the sound of a fan spinning.
  8. Creak – represents a low, groaning sound, often made by old doors or floors, for example, the sound of a creaking door.
  9. Tick-tock – represents the sound of a clock or watch ticking, for example, the sound of a ticking clock.
  10. Splash – represents the sound of something falling or hitting water, for example, the sound of jumping into a pool.
  1. ぴかぴか光る物を表す。例えば、太陽がぴかぴか輝いている。
    pika pika – represents something shining, for example, the sun is shining brightly.
  2. ごろごろ大きな音を表す。例えば、雷がごろごろと鳴っている。
    gorogoro – represents a loud sound, for example, thunder is rumbling.
  3. ざあざあ雨が強く降る音を表す。例えば、外でざあざあと雨が降っている。
    zaa zaa – represents the sound of heavy rain, for example, it’s pouring outside.
  4. くしゃくしゃ物が破られる音を表す。例えば、紙をくしゃくしゃと折る音がする。
    kusha kusha – represents the sound of something being crushed or crumpled, for example, the sound of paper being crumpled.
  5. ぐにゃぐにゃ柔らかいものが曲がる音を表す。例えば、布がぐにゃぐにゃと曲がる。
    gunya gunya – represents the sound of something soft and flexible being bent or twisted, for example, the sound of cloth being twisted.
  6. ぎりぎりギリギリの状況を表す。例えば、試験にぎりぎり合格した。
    giri giri – represents a situation that is very close or almost failing, for example, barely passing an exam.
  7. わくわくワクワクした感情を表す。例えば、旅行に行く前はわくわくする。
    waku waku – represents the feeling of excitement or anticipation, for example, feeling excited before going on a trip.
  8. ふわふわ軽いものが浮いている様子を表す。例えば、雪がふわふわと降っている。
    fuwa fuwa – represents something light and fluffy floating in the air, for example, snow falling gently.
  9. きらきら光が輝いている様子を表す。例えば、星がきらきらと輝いている。
    kira kira – represents something shining and glittering, for example, stars twinkling in the sky.
  10. むにゅむにゅ 柔らかいものがぐにゃぐにゃとした感触を表す。例えば、クッションがむにゅむにゅとしている。
    munyu munyu – represents the feeling of something soft and squishy, for example, a cushion feeling soft and squishy.

英会話 – What kind of art?

Two classmates talking.
Seth: Hey Marie, what kind of art do you like?
Marie: I like paintings and photography.
Seth: Are you a painter?
Marie: No, but I like to make collages.
Seth: That’s cool. I like photography too. I have a camera and I love taking pictures.
Marie: What do you take pictures of?
Seth: Mostly people, but sometimes buildings and nature.
Marie: Do you have any photos with you? I would like to see them.
Seth: No, sorry. Not here. I will bring them to school tomorrow.
Marie: Awesome! I can’t wait to see them!