Medical Conversation #1 – Bladder Issues

Bladder Issues


Hello, what seems to be the problem?

Hello, I have a problem with my bladder.

What kind of problem do you have?

I have a frequent urge to urinate and sometimes I leak urine.

That must be difficult. How often does it happen?

It happens several times a day.

That’s a sign of a condition like urethritis or cystitis. We need to do some tests.

How are the tests conducted?

We need a urine test and an ultrasound test. We will collect the urine sample at the hospital, and the ultrasound test will be done in a special room.  If we find a disease, we will start appropriate treatment. Until then, please drink fluids frequently, avoid alcohol and caffeine, and don’t hold in your urine.

I understand. Thank you.

Vocabulary List

  • 医者 (いしゃ) – doctor
  • 患者 (かんじゃ) – patient
  • 膀胱 (ぼうこう) – bladder
  • 尿意 (にょうい) – urge to urinate
  • 尿 (にょう) – urine
  • 漏れる (もれる) – to leak
  • 頻繁に (ひんぱんに) – frequently
  • 起こる (おこる) – to occur
  • 尿道炎 (にょうどうえん) – urethritis
  • 膀胱炎 (ぼうこうえん) – cystitis
  • 検査 (けんさ) – examination
  • 尿検査 (にょうけんさ) – urine test
  • 超音波検査 (ちょうおんぱけんさ) – ultrasound test
  • 病院 (びょういん) – hospital
  • 採取する (さいしゅする) – to collect
  • 適切な (てきせつな) – appropriate
  • 治療 (ちりょう) – treatment
  • 水分 (すいぶん) – fluids
  • こまめに – frequently
  • お酒 (おさけ) – alcohol
  • カフェイン – caffeine
  • 排尿 (はいにょう) – urination
  • 我慢する (がまんする) – to hold in

Top 10 Everyday Onomatopoeias

An onomatopoeia is a word that imitates or suggests the sound it describes. It is a literary device used to create a vivid and sensory description of a sound, often used in poetry and prose to create an immersive experience for the reader.

Here are some often-used onomatopoeias.

  1. Bang – represents a loud noise or explosion, for example, a door slamming shut.
  2. Buzz – represents a low, continuous humming or buzzing sound, for example, the sound of bees buzzing around flowers.
  3. Hiss – represents a sharp, sibilant sound, often made by snakes or steam, for example, the sound of a kettle boiling.
  4. Crack – represents a sharp sound of something breaking or snapping, for example, the sound of ice breaking.
  5. Sizzle – represents the sound of something cooking or frying in hot oil, for example, the sound of bacon sizzling on a frying pan.
  6. Beep – represents a high-pitched, short sound, often made by electronic devices or cars, for example, the sound of a car horn.
  7. Whirr – represents a sound made by something spinning rapidly, for example, the sound of a fan spinning.
  8. Creak – represents a low, groaning sound, often made by old doors or floors, for example, the sound of a creaking door.
  9. Tick-tock – represents the sound of a clock or watch ticking, for example, the sound of a ticking clock.
  10. Splash – represents the sound of something falling or hitting water, for example, the sound of jumping into a pool.
  1. ぴかぴか光る物を表す。例えば、太陽がぴかぴか輝いている。
    pika pika – represents something shining, for example, the sun is shining brightly.
  2. ごろごろ大きな音を表す。例えば、雷がごろごろと鳴っている。
    gorogoro – represents a loud sound, for example, thunder is rumbling.
  3. ざあざあ雨が強く降る音を表す。例えば、外でざあざあと雨が降っている。
    zaa zaa – represents the sound of heavy rain, for example, it’s pouring outside.
  4. くしゃくしゃ物が破られる音を表す。例えば、紙をくしゃくしゃと折る音がする。
    kusha kusha – represents the sound of something being crushed or crumpled, for example, the sound of paper being crumpled.
  5. ぐにゃぐにゃ柔らかいものが曲がる音を表す。例えば、布がぐにゃぐにゃと曲がる。
    gunya gunya – represents the sound of something soft and flexible being bent or twisted, for example, the sound of cloth being twisted.
  6. ぎりぎりギリギリの状況を表す。例えば、試験にぎりぎり合格した。
    giri giri – represents a situation that is very close or almost failing, for example, barely passing an exam.
  7. わくわくワクワクした感情を表す。例えば、旅行に行く前はわくわくする。
    waku waku – represents the feeling of excitement or anticipation, for example, feeling excited before going on a trip.
  8. ふわふわ軽いものが浮いている様子を表す。例えば、雪がふわふわと降っている。
    fuwa fuwa – represents something light and fluffy floating in the air, for example, snow falling gently.
  9. きらきら光が輝いている様子を表す。例えば、星がきらきらと輝いている。
    kira kira – represents something shining and glittering, for example, stars twinkling in the sky.
  10. むにゅむにゅ 柔らかいものがぐにゃぐにゃとした感触を表す。例えば、クッションがむにゅむにゅとしている。
    munyu munyu – represents the feeling of something soft and squishy, for example, a cushion feeling soft and squishy.

Top 10 Everyday Phrases

Beyond basic greetings, here are some of the most commonly used phrases in both Japanese and English.

  1. How’s it going? – This is a casual greeting used to ask someone how they are doing or how their day is going.
  2. What’s new? – This is a casual question used to ask someone if anything interesting or significant has happened recently.
  3. I’m sorry, could you please repeat that? – This is a polite phrase used to ask someone to repeat something they said if you didn’t hear or understand them the first time.
  4. That’s a good point. – This is a phrase used to acknowledge that someone has made a valid or insightful comment or argument.
  5. Let’s agree to disagree. – This is a phrase used to respectfully end a discussion or argument when both parties have differing opinions.
  6. I’ll get back to you. – This is a phrase used to indicate that you need more time to consider something before giving a response.
  7. What do you think? – This is a question used to solicit someone’s opinion or thoughts on a particular topic.
  8. Can you help me with this? – This is a request for assistance or help with a task or problem.
  9. I‘m on my way. – This is a phrase used to indicate that you are leaving to go somewhere and will arrive soon.
  10. Nice to meet you. – This is a polite phrase used when meeting someone for the first time.
  1. お疲れ様でした (Otsukaresama deshita) – 仕事や活動の終わりに使用されるフレーズで、お疲れ様と感謝の気持ちを表します。
    This phrase is used at the end of work or an activity to express appreciation and thanks for one’s effort.
  2. ありがとうございます (Arigatou gozaimasu) – 何かを受け取ったり、人にしてもらったことに感謝するために使われるフレーズです。
    This is a phrase used to express gratitude for something received or done for someone.
  3. すみません (Sumimasen) – 謝罪や詫びを表すために使用されるフレーズで、他人に迷惑をかけたり、物を壊したりした場合に使われます。
    This is a phrase used to apologize or express regret, typically used when one has caused trouble or broken something for someone.
  4. 失礼します (Shitsurei shimasu) – 他人の目を気にして退室する際に使用されるフレーズです。
    This phrase is used when leaving a place, typically when one is conscious of others around them.
  5. お願いします (Onegaishimasu) – 何かを頼むときに使用されるフレーズで、相手にお願いするときに使われます。
    This phrase is used to request something, typically when asking someone for a favor.
  6. 分かりました (Wakarimashita) – 何かを理解したことを示すフレーズで、聞いたことや指示に従ったことを相手に伝えます。
    This phrase indicates that one has understood something, typically used to acknowledge what someone has said or instructed.
  7. お先に失礼します (Osaki ni shitsurei shimasu) – 誰かより早く退室するときに使用されるフレーズです。
    This phrase is used when leaving a place before someone else.
  8. おめでとうございます (Omedetou gozaimasu) – 誕生日や結婚式など、何かのお祝いの際に使用されるフレーズです。
    This phrase is used to congratulate someone, typically used for birthdays or weddings.
  9. いただきます (Itadakimasu) – 食事の前に使用されるフレーズで、食べ物をいただくという感謝の気持ちを表します。
    This phrase is used before a meal to express appreciation for the food.
  10. ごめんください (Gomen kudasai) – 訪問するときに使用されるフレーズで、ドアを叩いて入室する前に使用されます。
    This phrase is used when visiting someone, typically before entering a room by knocking on the door.

Zephyr the Dragonfly


Once upon a time, in a lush green meadow, there lived a beautiful dragonfly named Zephyr. Zephyr was no ordinary dragonfly. Her wings shimmered in the sunlight, with hues of emerald and sapphire. She was known to be the fastest and most graceful dragonfly in the meadow, darting effortlessly through the air.

Zephyr spent her days fluttering from flower to flower and enjoying the warm sun on her wings. She would often stop to rest on a lily pad, admiring her reflection in the clear pond below. She was content with her simple life in the meadow, but deep down, she yearned for adventure.

One day, as Zephyr was basking in the sun, she heard a faint cry for help. She followed the sound and found a small frog caught in a spider’s web. Without hesitation, Zephyr flew to the rescue. Using her strong wings, she carefully untangled the frog from the web and set him free. The grateful frog hopped away, thanking Zephyr for her bravery.

From that day on, Zephyr became known as the protector of the meadow. Whenever a creature was in trouble, she was there to lend a helping wing. She saved birds from being caught by cats, rescued fish from shallow waters, and even helped bees find their way back to their hive.

Zephyr’s heroism didn’t go unnoticed. One day, as she was flying over the meadow, she heard a voice calling her name. She followed the sound and found a wise old dragon perched on a rock.

“Zephyr, I have been watching you. Your kind heart and bravery have made you a hero in this meadow,” said the dragon.

Zephyr was surprised but grateful for the dragon’s kind words.

“As a token of my appreciation, I will grant you one wish,” said the dragon.

Zephyr thought for a moment before answering, “I wish to explore the world beyond this meadow.”

The dragon smiled, “Your wish is granted.”

Zephyr’s wings began to glow, and suddenly, she was lifted high into the air. She soared above the trees, over the mountains, and across the seas. She saw things she never imagined existed, from towering waterfalls to bustling cities. She met creatures of all shapes and sizes, and shared her stories of heroism and kindness.

As she traveled, Zephyr realized that her simple life in the meadow was just the beginning of her adventure. She returned to the meadow, grateful for the experiences and friendships she had gained along the way. From that day on, Zephyr continued to spread kindness and joy, inspiring others to be brave and explore the world beyond their own backyard.

Onomatopoeia in conversations!

These are from our recent discussions at tonbo cafe!  Let’s take a closer look.


leisurely; slowly; gradually

Pretty soon we’d better wrap up this break and get back to work.


sputtering; smoldering

He is always grumbling about his small allowance.

The fallen column was still smoldering.


messy; confused; disorderly

All sorts of things are jumbled [mixed] up together.


state of being dried out

This bread is all dried out.


stiff; starchy

This sheet is stiff.


with a crack (e.g. branches, knuckles)

The screen of the smartphone shattered.


Let’s examine these similar Kanji!

露 霜 霧 霰 靄


つゆ dew

The leaves are wet with dew.

しも frost

The frost breaks up.

きり fog、mist

The fog cleared.

あられ hail

There is a hail-storm.

もや haze

The sea is in a haze.